We recognize that not all reviewers rate their reviewees during review cycles similarly. Review results should be reflective of your intended performance philosophy. To help the admin ensure that all employees are rated consistently and ensure your outcomes are aligned and perceived as fair by employees, we have built a calibration tool.
What is calibration?
During a review cycle, ratings recorded for each review may vary significantly based on which reviewer is giving them. Variance in ratings typically is due to a difference in interpretation of the scale. Review calibration applies a company standard to the scale, and scores are updated to match that standard. Calibration helps ensure that employees being reviewed are evaluated on the same scale.
Note: Calibration is completed only on ratings submitted by managers.
What are calibrated rating questions?
Rating questions are a building block of a review cycle. A rating question will appear in the Question Bank and can be submitted by all reviewers in the review cycle.
Rating questions can be added to calibration tables, allowing admins to include competency and skill-based questions to calibration sessions to ensure fair reviews and encourage employees to reach their full potential.
Calibration process
- Add ratings questions to manager review template. The first step is to include rating questions in the manager review template.
- Add Calibration to a Review Cycle (Org Chart reviews). Include the calibration step when creating your review cycle. Talent reviews will include calibration as a step by default.
- Create a calibration group and share the group's review data with calibration participants and facilitators. Calibration groups make the calibration process more manageable by segmenting reviewees into groups and giving participants visibility into ratings.
- Calibrate ratings directly in Lattice or bulk-update via a CSV.
- End the calibration phase. Ending calibration allows managers to finalize and share review packets with the reviewees. If their ratings were calibrated, reviewees will only have visibility into the calibrated rating and will not see what reviewers rated pre-calibration.
- Analyze scores. Utilize the Results page to view how reviewees were rated pre and post-calibration.