Weighted scoring allows admins can enter a final overall score for each reviewee after the review writing is complete. Admins can enable reviews to automatically calculate a weighted score that relies on downward review rating questions.
Before you start
- The weight distribution fields can only accept whole numbers.
- The weight distribution total must equal 100%.
- Once automatically calculating weighted scores is enabled, admins can no longer upload a CSV to change weighted scores.
- If Automatically calculate scores is disabled, managers will not be notified to share review packets with their direct reports if a review cycle is ended for a reviewee before the Scoring phase. Managers can share the review packet by navigating directly to the review cycle. Learn more in Share Your Team’s Review Packets.
Allow review cycles to auto-calculate weighted scores
- Navigate to the review cycle setup.
- Navigate to Scores > Toggle on Weighted Scores.
- Select Automatically calculate scores.
- Expand the Downward rating questions section to view all rating questions.
- Insert weight distribution as a percentage (%) for each rating.
- (Optional) Toggle on Include in review packet to make the weighted score visible to reviewee's in their review packet.
- (Optional) Add a description visible when viewing weighted scores in the review packet
- Click Continue.
View weighted scores during calibration
Admins and custom role calibration admins can view weighted scores directly within the calibration table. To view weighted scores:
- Begin the calibration cycle.
- Within the calibration table, scroll to the right until you see the Weighted column.
You will notice one or more possible values for weighted scores:
- Score value: Weighted scores will be rounded to the nearest hundredth (two numbers after the decimal point).
- Awaiting score: One or more calibrated scores have not been entered yet
- Questions not included: One or more questions were not asked to the reviewee
Weighted scores with calibration
During the Scoring phase, if calibration has been enabled, admins will be able to view scores under the Weighted column.
Note: To see calibrated auto-calculated weighted scores in the calibration table, you must enter a value for every calibrated column. Otherwise, auto-calculated scores will not appear.
Weighted scores without calibration
During the Scoring phase, if calibration isn't enabled, there will only be one Weighted column that tracks the Score.
Normalized Score Calculation
When rating questions used to determine the weighted score have a different rating scale we will normalize the weighted score. The calculation used to determine the normalized score is : (score - min(score)) / (max(score) - min(score)), then you multiple by the respective weight assigned to that question, and then sum across the individual weighted scores. The output should be a number between 0 and 100.
In the above example there are 3 questions with Question A weighted 50%, and Questions B and C weighted 25% each. In this example for Question A : with the 5 point scale the equation used would be, (3-1) / (5-1) = .5 , then you'd take .5 x . 5 (the weight) to calculate the weighted score for that question which would be .25 (weighted question score). For Question B the equation would be, (2-1) / (4-1) = .33 , then .33 x .25 = .083 (question weighted score). For Question C, (2-1) / (3-1) = .5 , .5 x .25 = .13 (question weighted score).
Then you'd combine all of the question weighted scores to equal the normalized score. Question A (.25) + Question B (.083) + Question C (.13) = 46 normalized score.