Understanding Pulse Survey administration.
As an admin, once you have launched your Pulse Survey, you will get access to Pulse reporting and analytics. This will give you a real-time view of your organization's participation and results.
Launch a Pulse Survey
Once you have finished your Pulse Survey setup, you will be taken to the page confirming the setup was successful and stating the first date your employees will be pulsed.
Note: Not all of your employees will be pulsed on this day but instead will be pulsed at times distributed across the cadence you have selected.
View Survey Analytics
Once your first Pulse survey has been sent, you can access the Pulse reporting and analytics.
View your Participation and Response Rate
Under the Participation tab, you can see the participation and response rate for the pulse survey. This will be visible to admins once one participant has completed a pulse survey.
Department vs. Manager Participation
When viewing Pulse participation, you can view analytics under Department level participation or Manager participation.
The difference between these two options is Department participation provides the participation rate of the entire Department. Whereas under the Manager view, you will see specifically the participation of direct reports for individual managers in the org.
Viewing Pulse Results
Under the Results tab, you can see and filter Pulse data. This will be available to admins once the anonymity threshold has been met. Learn more about understanding Pulse Results and analytics.
Learn more about the participant experience of a Pulse survey here.