When creating a review cycle, templates can be assigned by review group (self, manager, etc.) and fields, such as location, department, or role.
Before you start
- User field assignments are based on the fields of the reviewee, not reviewer. For example, assigning a different peer review template to employees based on office location will change the template peer reviewers will submit for any employee assigned to that specific office location.
- Ensure that the user field has been created and assigned to your employees. See Managing Custom Fields.
- You cannot override templates by user once a review has been published.
- You cannot use Custom Relationship field types to override a template. Only multiple choice or number attributes are available.
Template override configuration
- Navigate to your review cycle.
- Navigate to Configuration > Template overrides.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a default or custom field the override will be based on.
- Select to View by review direction or View by field.
View by review direction
- Expand the review direction to view the template assigned for each field.
- Use the Template drop-down menu to select and override the default template for the desired field.
- To preview the template selected, click on the eye icon.
- [Optional] To exclude the field from being assigned any templates for the review direction, check Exclude.
View by field
- Expand the field to view the template assigned for each review direction.
- Use the Template drop-down menu to select and override the default template for the desired review direction.
- To preview the template selected, click on the eye icon.
- [Optional] To exclude the review direction from being assigned any templates for the field, check Exclude.