Before you reset your password, it's essential to find out if you are set up in our SFTP1 or SFTP2 server. The quickest way to find out is based on the credentials provided by your Relationship Manager (RM) or Customer Care contact.
If you are set up in our SFTP1 server, the credential provided to you was To reset your password, please reach out to your RM or Customer Care to send you new credentials.
If you are set up in our SFTP2 server, the credential provided to you was To reset your password, please do the following:
- Navigate to Admin > Platform > Integrations.
- Click the ellipsis (...) next to the Pause Sync button > Click Change Password.
- A modal will then appear where you can reset your password.
Note: If you reset your password, you must enter the new credentials again in your HRIS SFTP setup.
Next, Pause or Resume your SFTP sync. Also check out Troubleshooting SFTP Formatting and SFTP FAQ's.