Feedback allows employees to give, receive, and store public and private feedback for future reference. Users can select up to ten people to provide public feedback to at one time.
- Enter the Feedback modal using one of the following options:
- Navigate to Home > Give and request feedback.
- Navigate to Feedback > Give feedback.
- Within the Feedback modal, navigate to the Give feedback tab.
- Under Who's the feedback about?, add the feedback recipient(s) name.
- Choose your share settings. Your visibility share settings may differ depending on your admin's feedback settings.
- Public: Feedback is visible to everyone
- Private: Feedback is visible to only the recipient
- Private + manager: Feedback is only visible to the recipient and their manager
- Manager only: Feedback is private and will go directly to an employee's manager
- Under What's your feedback?, write your feedback message in the text box.
- (Optional) If your admin has set up company values, you can associate a value to the feedback before submitting the feedback under Which values did they embody?
Next, learn how recipients or managers are notified of feedback given in A list of Email Notifications for Feedback.