Review templates can encompass both recommended and custom questions. Admins can create review questions by following the steps below.
Before you start
- There are two places you can create a review question: from the Question Bank or directly within a review template.
- When you create a question within a template, it will automatically be added to your Question Bank.
Navigate to the question editor
Option 1: Create a question from the Question Bank
Create a custom review question:
- Navigate to Admin > Reviews > Questions.
- Click Create question to bring up the creation modal.
Create a custom review question from a Lattice recommended question:
- Navigate to Admin > Reviews > Questions > Recommended.
- Click Copy to your questions.
Option 2: Create a question from a review template
- Navigate to Admin > Reviews > Templates > Create new template.
- Click + Create question to bring up the editing modal.
Learn more about review templates in Create Review Templates.
Create a review question
Response types
For each question, you can set the question body, an optional description, and how reviewers should respond to each question. Lattice has several response types to choose from:
Questions can be the following response types:
Rating questions: Set a custom range for the reviewer to provide a rating. The rating scale values are customizable and can be displayed as text or numbers. The scale supports up to 10 values.
- For more information, check out Rating Scale Display Options.
- Multiple choice: Set values where a reviewer will choose one option
- Multiple-select: Set values where a reviewer can choose more than one option
The Comment response allows the reviewer to provide a qualitative response within an open text box. You can combine the comment response type with the rating/multiple-choice types by toggling options on.
Make a question private
You can choose to set a question as private, hiding it from the reviewee when they receive their review packet. Regardless of what you chose for the visibility setting on the review cycle, private question responses are only visible to admins and that reviewee's manager.
For a deeper dive into private questions, see Create Private Review Questions.
Make a question optional
Questions can be set as optional if you don't feel that every reviewer should be obligated to answer an entire question or part of a question. To make a response type optional, click on the Optional checkbox next to each response type.