A guide to when tasks are created for goals.
Tasks are created for goals within Lattice in two instances:
- When it's time to update a goal
- When it's time to set goals for a goal cycle
Update reminder
Tasks are created to remind you to update a goal and are sent out at a cadence of the admin's choosing:
- Once a week
- Once every 2 weeks
- Once a month
- Twice a quarter
The task will be named Update your goal. Goal tasks can be dismissed without completing the action they're associated with.
Goal update reminders are set to be sent out on Thursdays around 10:00 A.M. in your local timezone.
Clicking on the task will take you directly to the Goal Details page to update the goal progress.
Tasks for Goal Cycles
Whether or not you will need to create a goal for a goal cycle depends on which types of goals the admin chooses to include in that cycle.
- Set company goals: You need to create a company goal for a goal cycle
- Set department goals for [your department's name]: You need to create a department level goal for a goal cycle
- Set your goals: You need to create an individual goal for a goal cycle your task will be named
Clicking on the task will take you into a blank goal profile and remind you which kind of goal you are setting for that cycle. Learn more about Creating a goal.