Review cycles create tasks for every employee with a call to action during each stage of the review. This article covers the following tasks in the order a user experiences them in a review.
Note: The tasks that appear depend on the settings chosen for each review cycle.
- Select peer reviewers (only shown if the review cycle includes peer selection)
- Approve peer nominations (only shown if the review cycle includes peer selection)
- Perform your reviews
- View your calibration groups (only shown if the review cycle includes calibration)
- Finalize review packets
- View and confirm receiving feedback
- Task Due Dates (if the review cycle is on a timeline sequence)
Select peer reviewers
If your review cycle includes peer reviews, the first task users will receive is to Select peer reviewers. Users will get this task in two different scenarios depending on how the admin has configured the review settings.
- Employees will see this task in review cycles configured for employees to nominate peer reviewers (see Nominate Peer Reviewers for Yourself)
- Managers will see this task in review cycles configured for managers to select peer reviewers for their direct reports (see Nominate Peer Reviewers for Your Direct Reports)
Approve peer nominations
In review cycles configured for employees to nominate their own peer reviewers, managers will next see a task to Approve peer nominations for their direct reports.
Selecting the task will take managers to a page to see and manage their direct reports' peer reviewer nominations (see Approve your Direct Reports' Peer Selection).
Write your reviews
When it's time to begin writing your reviews, employees and managers will see the Write reviews for
task. Selecting this task takes users to a to write and upward, downward, peer, and self reviews (see Complete a Performance Review).
Note: All users will only see one task regardless of how many reviews they need to write. A progress bar in the task will indicate percent completion.
View your calibration groups
During calibration, users who are added to calibration groups will see a task to View your calibration groups. This task takes users to review calibration (see Access Your Calibration Group's Review Data).
Finalize review packets
Once the review cycle ends, the review packet sharers will get a task to Finalize review packets. By default, people managers are responsible for sharing review packets unless the review cycle has been configured for admin sharing (see Share Your Team's Review Packets).
View and confirm receiving your review packet
Lastly, once a review packet is shared, reviewees will see a task to View and confirm receiving your review packet (see View Your Review Packet).
Task Due Dates
If your review cycle runs on a timeline, the tasks that appear on a user's Home page will display due dates. These due dates correspond to when the review cycle will move on to its next stage as pre-set by the Admin. Review cycles on custom sequences can't include due dates.