Admins can add goals to review templates so reviewers can evaluate goals owned by their reviewee.
To add goals to the review cycle, admins must:
For best practices on enabling goals in a review cycle, read Best Practices: What To Know Before Using a Goal-Enabled Review Template.
Before you start
- Goals created after a review cycle launch will not be included. Goals updated after a review cycle launch will reflect the most current update in the review.
- Goals for a late reviewee will be pulled based on when the reviewee was added to the review cycle rather than when the review cycle was initially launched.
- All eligible top-level goals the reviewee owns will be pulled into reviews, including individual, department, and company-level goals.
- Only top level objectives or key results will be pulled in. However, if applicable, other key results attached to the goals will be visible using the collapsable option within the review.
Create a goals template
- Create a review template.
- Add or create any non-goals-related questions.
- Use the toggle button to Include goals.
- Add the question title that will be paired with each goal.
- (Optional) Add the description that will be paired with each goal.
- Choose a response type for goal questions.
- Choose a visibility setting for goal questions.
- Show question and response to reviewee: Question and response are visible to the reviewee, reviewer, reviewee's manager, and the admin
- Hide question and response from reviewee: Question and response are visible to the reviewer, reviewee's manager, and the admin
- Click Done.
Note: Filters can be applied to narrow the scope of goals included in a cycle during the review cycle setup.
Set up the review cycle
Assign the goals-enabled template
- Create a review cycle.
- Apply your goals-enabled template for the desired review groups by selecting it from the Template dropdown menus on each review direction page.
- Note: Templates including goals are labeled Goals enabled in the dropdown menu.
Include goals and apply filters
- Select the Goal settings link within the blue banner or navigate to Configuration > Goal settings.
- The Goal settings page will list each review direction assigned a goal-enabled template — Toggle on Include goals for each direction you'd like to add goals to.
- Choose the goal status a goal has to meet to be pulled into the review:
- Include active goals
- Include ended goals
- Include active and ended goals
- (Optional) Toggle on Use goal filter to narrow the scope of goals in the review cycle. Note: If the assigned review template only contains goal questions, ensure all reviewees have at least one goal that matches the filters. Otherwise, reviewers will be unable to submit.
Filter by goal cycle name: Choose the goals that have been assigned to a given goal cycle
- Filter by goal start date: Choose the goals that have been assigned a start date within a given range
- Filter by goal due date: Choose the goals that have been assigned a due date within a given range
- Click Continue to move to the next step of the review cycle configuration.
Note: Goal filters are not editable once a review cycle has been published.
Write reviews
Reviewers will answer your goals-enabled question about every goal owned by the reviewee that meets the template conditions.
Use the arrow below the status badge to show the due date and expose the See updates button, which will open the goal profile in a separate tab where you can refer to the timeline for more information about each update to the goal and when it occurred.