All users can export goals from the Goals Explore page. To export a list of goals, navigate to Goals > Export CSV. The export includes a list of public and private goals (that they have access to) with the following fields:
- ID
- OKR Type
- Goal Name
- Goal Cycle
- Goal Type
- Department
- Owners
- Created at (UTC)
- Parent ID
- Parent goal
- Priority
- Tags
- Description
- Status
- State
- Starting amount
- Progress amount
- Goal amount
- Start date
- Due date
- Last updated
- Whether it is private or public?
- Supporting goal IDs
- Support goals
- Employee ID
- Employee Email
- Weight
- Last Update
- Progress percent
A note on analytics
- Draft goals are not included in the analytics, even if a user has applied a filter for draft goals. However, they will appear within the export.
- The count of goals represents unique goals, regardless of how many owners.
- Archived users' goals will count only IF they are co-owned by an active employee or part of a cascade of active goals.
- When applying department or company filters, note that Lattice will only count department or company objectives or key results. Supporting goals that are not a department or company objective or key result will not be counted towards the total.
- Goals are ordered by active state > priority > due date > a to z.