Once an employee has been assigned to a compensation band, admins can remove that employee from the band at any point in time.
Note: All compensation band assignments are managed via employees' assigned job architecture fields: Job Function, Job Type, Job Level, and (optionally) Pay Zone. This information can be seen and updated in the employees' profiles in the Directory, as well as in the Employee Pay page. Updating a user's Job Architecture values in either location will impact their compensation band assignment as well as any aligned Grow tracks.
Note: Removing an employee from a compensation band will also remove them from any band information that has been shared.
Remove an employee from a compensation band
- Navigate to Admin > Directory.
- Search and click on the employee to enter their profile.
- Expand the Role details category.
- Hover over the Job Architecture fields and click the edit pencil icon to align the assigned Job Function, Job Type, and Job Level with the desired Compensation Band.
- Click Add to save the changes.
- (Optionally) Hover over Pay Zone, click the edit pencil icon to align with the desired Compensation Band, and select Add to save the changes.