Lattice provides a Goal settings setup walkthrough for admins accessing the Goals tool for the first time. The 5-minute guide will walk through customization and launch settings to ensure the rollout is a success.
Before you start
The Goal settings setup is required for all admins; however, it will only happen once. Even after launch, the settings are editable within the Goals Settings page accessible by admins.
This article contains the following topics:
Your org
- Select your fiscal year start month to assist in creating your goal cycles.
- Select whether your company has done goal setting in the past.
- If yes, select whether the goals were done using docs, spreadsheets, or another software tool and how effective the process has been.
- If no, select how important goal setting will be as part of your people program when rolling out Lattice.
Choose who do you want to roll Goals out to.
- Pilot to a select group: This is recommended if you have not rolled out Goals before to your organization. Piloting allows you to gather feedback on the process and iterate before enabling to your full org. If chosen, Lattice will prompt you to select an field that contains the group you wish to enable Goals for.
Everyone at once: This is recommended if you have rolled out goals to your company before. Enabling for everyone at once allows you to publish company and department-level objectives to drive better transparency and alignment in your company.
Note: Employees are not required to create a goal once Goals is enabled. -
Hold off on launching: This is recommended if you do not have a launch plan in place for rolling out Goals to your org and want more time to create a process before enabling it to the rest of your org. If chosen, you will still be required to finish the setup process.
Note: You can adjust your choices after finishing the setup.
Select how often you would like your company to set goals. Deciding on a pace for goal duration will assist Lattice in automatically creating goal cycles based on your cadence.
Select whether you would like goals to be aligned to one another and accept the progress of their supporting goals.
- If yes, cascading goals will be enabled for your account.
- If no, cascading goals will be disabled for your account.
Learn more about the differences between cascading and non-cascading goals in The Differences Between Enabled and Disabled Cascading Goals.
If you've given these responses to the following questions, Lattice will recommend keeping goal-setting simple by not aligning goals:
- No to the question Has your company done goal settings in the past?
- Very poor/Below average to the question How effective has your goal process been?
If your company has unique terminology to label a goal's status, Lattice allows you to customize each status title and description.
Learn more about examples of goals status customization options in Customizing Goal Status: Recommended Examples.
Choose how often should employees be notified to update their goals. Lattice will send reminder emails to your employees based on your chosen cadence. If employees have updated their goals during the cadence, they will not receive a reminder.
Learn more about goal notification in A List of Notifications for Goals.
Verify or edit your settings are correct before launching. You will be able to adjust the settings after launching Goals.
Once finished, you can Explore Goals or adjust your Admin settings.
Next, learn how to navigate Goals in Navigating Goals as an Employee and Navigating Goals as an Admin.