How to set agenda templates in a 1:1 (formerly recurring talking points)
Employees can create customized agenda templates that include talking points they'd like to discuss regularly in their 1:1 relationships. Agenda templates are an organized way to add recurring talking points to your 1:1 meetings.
Before you start
- Non-managers can create agenda templates in their 1:1s but will not be able to edit an agenda template their manager has created.
- An employee will only be able to edit the agenda templates that they have created.
- Only the creator of the template will be able to view the employees the template is shared with; the direct report cannot view who the template is shared with.
Create an agenda template from 1:1 settings
Note: These steps will only be accessible if you already have created a 1:1 relationship. If you'd like to assign templates first create a relationship and then follow the steps in Creating an agenda template for an individual.
- Navigate to People > My profile > 1:1s.
- Select Manage templates.
- Select Create template.
- Fill out the agenda template fields:
- Name: Title of your template
- Agenda: Talking points that will be added to 1:1 agendas the template is assigned to
- Action items: Add any action items that should be visible during each 1:1 meeting
- Category: Add a category the template should belong to in order to help organize
- Description: Add a description to explain the purpose of the template
- Select Save.
Creating an agenda template within an agenda
- Navigate to People > My profile > 1:1s.
- Click into the desired 1:1 relationship.
- Within the agenda, select Add conversation starter > 1:1 template.
- Find and click Create template card
- Fill out the agenda template fields:
- Name: Title of your template
- Agenda: Talking points that will be added to 1:1 agendas the template is assigned to
- Action items: Add any action items that should be visible during each 1:1 meeting
- Category: Add a category the template should belong to in order to help organize
- Description: Add a description to explain the purpose of the template
- Click Save.
To assign after creating:
- Within the agenda, select Add conversation starter > 1:1 template.
- Find and click Apply on the template card.
- Choose to apply the template for either:
- This 1:1
- This and all upcoming 1:1s
- Click Apply.
Next, learn how to Use 1:1 Agendas as a Direct Report.