Within Reporting, managers can view analytics for team for enabled tools. To view, navigate to the Reporting page on the lefthand discovery navigation.
The Analytics Explorer allows you to view analytics for your enabled tools. Data points include adoption, headcount, and sentiment. Learn more in The Analytics Explorer.
The Reviews page allows you to see a list of active and ended review cycles. Actions available are:
- Manage Team: View and share review packets for a review cycle
- View progress: View team progress for an active review cycle
- View results: View analytics for review responses
Product log
The Feedback tab gives you a detailed list of feedback given and received for your team. Click View to see the feedback text.
The Individuals tab gives an overview of the exact number of feedback a team member has given and received and the values attached to the feedback.
The Updates tab gives you a detailed list of updates submitted, whether private or public. Click View to see the update text. Lattice also provides essential details like the publish date and the sentiment at the time of publishing.
The Individuals tab shows the list of team members and their update frequency, average sentiment, and the date of their last update.
The 1:1s tab shows the meeting frequency, the next meeting's date, and the participation rate.
If one of the following criteria is true, a 1:1 will count as participated:
- Have one created talking point (non-recurring)
- Have one shared note
- Have one talking point checked off
- Have one comment on any talking point
- Have an action item created in the meeting
- Have an action item completed in the meeting
Within Grow reporting, you can see the percentage of growth areas created and the percentage that has been updated. You can filter results by departments, managers, and individuals.
- Growth Area Created: This shows the percentage of employees who have created at least one growth area. The growth area can be created by either the report or the manager.
- Growth Area Updated: This shows the percentage of progress made within the growth areas. The growth area can be updated by either the report or the manager.
Growth area log
The Growth area log allows you to view a snapshot of your team's growth areas and progress toward their employee development. Under the Auditing page, the log includes a list of growth areas created by each direct report, the date they were last updated, and the number of actions completed within the area.