Once you have navigated to the Notification Center, there are three options for how notifications can be sent when it comes to our Feedback tool— through Slack, Microsoft Teams, and/or through Email. Slack notifications are sent via the Lattice App and the Slack notification content will follow the same general format.
Feedback notifications are sent as follows:
- When you have been requested to give feedback
- When you have unfulfilled a feedback request
- When you have received feedback
- When a direct report received Public or Private + Manager feedback
- When a manager is nudged to complete feedback for their direct report
To send these through Slack, Microsoft Teams, or email, you can check on the boxes to the right of Feedback in your Notification Center.
Note: Learn more about Feedback email notifications in A list of Email Notifications for Feedback.
Notifications will be sent to employees when:
- Someone requests feedback from you. The notification will let you know who has requested the feedback and what feedback they've requested:
- Message Body: Hey @[name], you have a request for feedback from [Name].
Feedback request from [Name]:
Can you share some feedback on my performance?
Button: Give Feedback
- Message Body: Hey @[name], you have a request for feedback from [Name].
- When you have unfulfilled a Feedback request. The notification will be sent out 3 business days after your colleague requests feedback from you and will let you know who is waiting for feedback and what feedback they requested. Subsequent reminders will also be sent every 30 days until the request is completed or declined:
- Message Body: Hey @[name], @[name] is still waiting on a response from you.
Feedback request from @Nadia:
How could I improve my communications with customers?
Button: Give Feedback
- Message Body: Hey @[name], @[name] is still waiting on a response from you.
- Someone gives you feedback. The notification will let you know you've received feedback:
- Message Body: Hey @[name], you have received feedback from [Name].
You did great leading today's team meeting!
Link: View all your feedback in Lattice
- Message Body: Hey @[name], you have received feedback from [Name].
- When your direct report receives feedback. The notification will let you know which direct report received feedback, from whom, and what was said:
- Message Body: Hey @[name], your direct report [Name] has received private feedback from [Name].
I appreciate you speaking up in yesterday's meeting to share your suggestions for the project. I'd love to hear your input more regularly.
Link: View all their feedback in Lattice
- Message Body: Hey @[name], your direct report [Name] has received private feedback from [Name].
- When a manager is nudged to complete feedback for their direct report. The notification will let you know the name of the direct report Lattice encourages you to give feedback to.
- Learn more about Feedback nudges. Note: Feedback Nudges need to be enabled by the account admin.
- Message Body: Hey @[name], @[name] is a few weeks into their time at [Company]. Welcome @[name] into the company with some praise! Giving praise early will go a long way in making @[name] feel valued.
What's something @[name] has done well in the last two weeks?
Button: Give [name] praise