How do I know my responses are anonymous?
For anonymous engagement and pulse surveys, individual survey responses are never available in reporting — only aggregate scores are viewable. This means that scores and comments are abstracted from the survey record and cannot be identified back to an individual response or the person who submitted it.
Additionally, to ensure participants' anonymity, a minimum of three employees must answer a question for the results to be revealed to the admin. Admins will have the option to raise the anonymity threshold for your organization, however, it can never be lower than three.
However, if an admin selects to create an identifiable survey, the responses will be visible to the admin and are linked to the employee's name and identity.
Note: Onboarding and exit surveys are not anonymous.
Survey anonymity reminders
As a participant in an anonymous engagement survey or pulse, your responses, including comments, will be completely anonymous. Lattice will remind you with the label Your answers are anonymous at the beginning of the survey and at the bottom of the survey:
...and at the top of the Pulse question:
If an admin has selected the Identifiable option, Lattice will remind you with the callout Your name will show up with your responses:
Learn more about admin visibility into Engagement survey results.