This article contains the following topics:
- Navigate to 1:1 action items
- Add an action item
- Assign an action item
- Complete an action item
- Disable action items
View 1:1 action items
- To see your action items navigate to 1:1s > My action items. If you are a manager, you can go to My team > My action items.
- You can view action items within the individual 1:1 agendas.
Add an action item
- Navigate to Action items within the 1:1 agenda.
- Select + Add action item and add your action.
- (Optional) Schedule a due date by selecting the calendar icon. Due dates are "soft" deadlines. The 1:1 reminders will include assigned action items and their respective due dates.
- Select Add.
Assign an action item
- When adding action items, they will default to be assigned to the creator. You can tell who is assigned the action item by viewing the avatar to the right.
- To reassign the action item, click on the avatar, and it will be assigned to the other person included in the 1:1.
Complete an action item
- Once an action item is completed you can check them off using the box to the left of the task. Action items will carry over from meeting to meeting until they are checked off as complete.
- You can complete an action item from the 1:1 agenda or within the 1:1 tab in your Lattice toolkit.
Disable action items
You can turn them off action items if you don't intend to use them.
Note: Action items need to be disabled on an individual basis.
To turn off action items:
- Within the 1:1 agenda, navigate to Settings.
- Click the toggle next to Action Items > Save.