How Lattice determines who can see Engagement and Pulse Survey participation and results
Engagement survey permissions
If Engagement surveys are enabled, all Lattice super admins can access the Survey tool. Admins can view any survey created, customize settings, manage and end the survey, and view all results.
To give other users admin-access to a specific survey, they must be added as a survey admin for that survey. You can add any user as a survey admin. If you make a non-super admin a survey admin, it only gives them the ability to see and manage that one specific survey. It doesn't provide them with access to any other admin-only features.
Learn how to give survey admin permissions in Add a Survey Admin.
To give other users admin access to all surveys, they must be assigned to the Engagement global custom role. The custom role permissions allow role members to create and manage engagement surveys, reporting, and action plans.
Learn more in Configure Custom Role Global Permissions for Engagement Surveys.
Note: Managers and employees cannot access survey results or participation. To share results with a manager, create a survey shared view.
Pulse survey permissions
All super admins have full access to Pulse. Super admins do not need to be a Pulse admin to help manage Pulse or view your Pulse results. You can add any user as a Pulse admin. If you make a non-super admin a Pulse admin, it only gives them the ability to see and manage Pulse. It doesn't give them access to any surveys or other admin-only features.
Note: Managers and employees cannot access Pulse survey results or participation. To share results with a manager, create a Pulse shared view.