Once a growth area has been created by an employee or their manager, the growth area can be edited to update the following:
- Name
- Description
- Growth period
- Linked competency
Before you start
- Managers do not receive a notification when a direct report has edited their growth areas.
- Employees can only edit their own growth areas. Managers can edit the growth areas of their direct reports.
Edit a growth area
Note: Only the employee will be able to edit their Growth Area if they created it and it is in a drafted state. If the manager creates the draft, both the employee and the manager will be able to edit it.
- Navigate to the Grow Individual Development Plan.
- To edit your growth area: People > My profile > Grow.
- To edit your direct report's growth area: People > Click on the direct report to enter their profile > Grow.
- Within the Growth Area section, select a growth area.
- At the top of the growth area, click the ellipsis menu (...) > Edit.
- Make the desired edits.
- Click Share.