While writing a review, you can view the reviewee's growth areas for additional context and examples to help you write your responses. This is available for self and downward reviews only.
Before you start
- Growth areas are only visible to the reviewers when:
- The correct permissions are assigned to view the responses.
- The reviewee has been assigned to a track and level.
- Reviewers can view growth areas created either by the report or the manager themselves.
- If all growth areas were created more than a year ago, the Overview page within the context panel will not show a Growth area section. To view growth areas, filter the Overview page to Show all.
Using the reviews context panel
- When writing a review, select the name of the reviewee from the left-hand panel. On the right-hand side, the context panel will open.
- Select Growth Areas.
- [Optional] Filter growth areas
- Past year
- Past 6 months
- Past 3 months
- Show all
- [Optional] Filter growth areas by status by selecting one of the following options:
- Active
- Draft
- Completed
- All
- Click into a growth area to expand the view to include more detail, including description, linked reviews, and progress.