The Instructions section of a review template can be used to provide reviewers with valuable information to help them complete the review cycle correctly. Below are some suggestions for types of content to include in these instructions.
- Review cycle timeline, such as how much time you are giving the reviewer to write or an estimate of how much time the reviewer should spend on this specific review. For example, peer reviews may have fewer questions than a self-review, requiring less time to complete it.
- Note: Review templates, including instructions, can be used for multiple review cycles. If you add specific dates, you will need to duplicate and edit the instructions for the next review cycle.
- Guidelines as to what the review feedback should focus on. For example, self-evaluations may focus on personal accomplishments and future goals, while peer reviews may focus solely on project work.
- Feedback tips and examples may provide valuable guidance, especially for employees with little or no experience providing this type of feedback.
- Rating scale guidance for questions with a rating scale. For example, providing an explanation of what behaviors or work should be rated as a 3 versus a 4.
- External links to documents. If you have documents stored outside of Lattice that employees should refer to as they write reviews, such as a playbook or a list of company values, they can be added here as a link.