As a manager of managers, you can track the review progress for your team, including indirect reports. Tracking review progress allows you to see if all reviews have been completed and gives you the opportunity to follow up with the team if reviews are taking longer than expected.
View review progress
- Navigate to Reporting > Reviews.
- Find the review cycle and select View Progress.
- Click Track team progress
Progress bar
The Progress bar shows the number of reviews submitted out of the total number assigned to your team or department.
Here you can check:
- Total number of reviews submitted
- Total percent Completed
- Total percent In progress
- Total percent Not started
Learn more about reviewee statuses in Active Reviewee Review Cycle Statuses.
Your team list
Below the progress bar, you can find a list of all reviewees within your organization for this cycle. Below each reviewees name you can view whether they are a direct report or indirect report.
Each reviewee will be assigned a status. These include:
- None received: No reviews have been submitted for the reviewee
- Incomplete: Some reviews have been submitted for the reviewee, but there are still reviewers left who have not submitted
- Completed: All reviews for that reviewee have been submitted, but the review cycle is still open and cannot be shared
- Ended: The review cycle was ended early for a reviewee before all reviews could be submitted
- Completed and Ended: All reviews for that reviewee have been submitted and the review cycle was ended early
You can filter your organization or type in a specific reviewee's name within the search bar.
View a review packet
Depending on the review settings determined by the account admin, you may be able to view the review packet of a direct or indirect report. To view a review packet, click on the name of the individual within the list.
Learn more about viewing your indirects' review packets in View Your Indirect Reports' Reviews.