There are many different ways to view how your employees or team use goals. Below, you'll find a breakdown of the various reports and filters you can use in Lattice to help you get the most out of the tool!
Note: Admins and managers will have access to the Reporting pages for goals. Admins can view and filter for private and public goals for the entire company, while managers will be able to view and filter for private and public goals for their direct and indirect reports.
This article covers the following topics:
Accessing Goal Reporting
The Goal Reporting page provides:
- A count of goals that represents unique goals, regardless of how many owners the goal has.
- A count of goals which includes archived users.
Note: That Goal Participation does not include any ended goals or child goals 2 or more levels under company goals.
Goal reports are accessible by navigating to Goals > Reporting. From here there are two reporting pages you can use to track your organization's goals: Participation and Status.
Filtering & Grouping Goals
Near the top of the Reporting page, you'll see the ability to filter your view of goals. All date filters will look at the due date of the goal.
For example, you could choose a filter to view only the goals owned by specific individuals on the People Operations team across all times.
To group the goals by an individual, group, manager, or department:
- Next to Showing, select the desired grouping from the dropdown.
- In the top right-hand corner, select the time range you'd like the goals to be displayed. Note: the time range will only show goals with due dates during the selected time range.
- When you select group by Department, you'll see aggregate data for members of different departments, so you can see which parts of your business are participating in your goal-setting program. This shows data for all goal types owned by members in a department, not only department-type goals.
The section titled DIRECT REPORTS WITH corresponds to the members of that department who own at least one objective and key result out of the total department members.
The section to the right, beginning with UPDATED, shows the total number of goals owned per employee that are updated, aligned, overdue, or on a cycle. Therefore, if two members in one department own the same goal, this section will count that as two goals.
- When you select group by Manager, you'll see data for managers' direct reports.
- When you select group by Group, you'll see all goals of individuals that belong to the assigned Groups, regardless of goal type. This view excludes non-group goals.
Reporting Breakdown
Goal participation is defined as the following:
- A count of goals that represent individual users who are owners of a goal (e.g., a goal with three owners counts as three goals in this report), including private goals.
- This count of goals will NOT include the goals of archived users
Additionally, under filtering, admins and managers will also have access to view additional reporting information for objectives and key results outlined below:
- Employees with goals: Employees who are goal owners for at least one objective or key result in Lattice in the selected timeframe. This is calculated by the number of employees with objectives and key results divided by the total number of employees in Lattice.
- Updated: Objectives and/or key results updated in Lattice. This is calculated by the number of OKRs updated divided by the total amount of OKRs in Lattice in the selected timeframe.
- Aligned to company: The number of objectives and/or key results aligned to a company goal, including any goal that eventually feeds into your company goals. Shown above is the number of goals aligned to company goals divided by overall goals in Lattice. Note that this will only be shown if you have enabled cascading goals for your org. Check out Turning on Cascading Goals for more information!
- Overdue: Objectives and/or key results that have not been completed by their designated due date. This is calculated by the number of objectives and key results that are overdue divided by the total objectives and key results in Lattice.
- On a cycle: Objectives and/or key results that are part of a Goal Cycle. The number of objectives and key results in a Goal Cycle divided by the number of total objectives and key results in Lattice. Check out Creating a Goal Cycle to learn more about Goal Cycles!
Under the Status page, you'll see a visual breakdown of your Objectives and Key results over time, color segmented by their status. This is useful to check on the statuses within your organization or team over a given time period.
The Status page accounts for the following:
- Each goal will be placed in the segment where they had their last update.
- When filtering on a custom date range or a fiscal quarter, we filter out any goal whose due date is outside the time frame.
- When filtering on a goal cycle, the reporting does not filter on the due date. All goals assigned to the goal cycle are included, whether or not they are overdue.
The Status page allows admins and managers to easily track the department, group, manager, and/or manager's team goal progress. You can use the table to pinpoint individuals, managers, and departments.
You can also change how goals are grouped, whether objectives or key results are displayed, and the time period. You can group by Department, Manager, and Department.
When grouping by Department in status, the data will show the number of goals owned by members in that Department. This includes all goal types, not just department goals.
If there is one goal owned by two members in the same Department, the columns OBJECTIVES and KEY RESULTS will count as one goal. All other columns to the right, beginning with NO UPDATE, share the status of all the goals owned by members within a Department.
The Status table will show the following based on grouping:
- Goal owner's name
- Manager
- Department
- The number of objectives and key results
- Updated goals
- Goal progress
- The number of ended goals
Goal Pages
The Goals Reporting pages allow you to click on specific data points within the reporting table to view a list of objectives or key results that correspond to a particular Individual, Group, Department, or Manager:
- Name
- Manager
- Group
- Department
- Objectives
- Key results
- Name
- Manager
- Group
- Department
- Objectives
- Key results
- Statuses
Individual, Group, Manager, and Department Goal pages will respect the filters you add to the Reporting pages.
Clicking on the manager's name within the table will take you to their Manager page. Within the Overview tab, you can view all goals created by the manager's direct reports. You can drill down even further within the Members tab by viewing and clicking through reporting for each direct report on the manager's team.