Managers, employees, and Admins have the ability to view employee history in their profile. The fields that are visible to non-admins on employee profiles will be based on the permissions set in default roles.
- Navigate to Admin > Organization > Directory.
- Select the employee.
- Scroll to the relevant field > select See all changes.
The following fields support historical data in Lattice:
- Address - Subdivision
- Emergency Contact Relationship
- Emergency Contact Phone Number
- Emergency Contact Email
- Emergency Contact Name
- Address - Country
- Address - Postal Code
- Address - State
- Address - City
- Address - Line 2
- Address - Line 1
- New Manager Entity Id For Direct Reports
- Deactivation Time
- Rehire Eligibility
- Termination type
- Last working day
- Attrition type
- Reason for ineligibility
- Termination reason
- Employment Status
- Employment Type
- Start Date
- Termination Date
- Eligibility type
- Allowance Change Reason
- Base Pay Change Reason
- Variable Pay Change Reason
- Equity Change Reason
- Bonus Payout Change Reason
- Bonus Plan Change Reason
- Bonus plan end date
- Bonus plan effective date
- Bonus plan frequency
- Bonus plan type
- Bonus plan currency
- Base pay schedule
- Variable pay effective date
- Variable pay currency
- Variable pay comments
- Variable pay amount
- Equity comments
- Equity vesting term unit
- Equity vesting term
- Equity vesting cadence
- Equity vesting cliff term unit
- Equity vesting cliff term
- Equity vesting start date
- Equity quantity granted
- Equity exercise price currency
- External User ID (not needed for HRIS)
- Timezone
- Job effective at (metadata/system field)
- Job type
- Job Function
- Job Level
- Work Location
- Classification
- Remote Employee
- Job Title
- Department
- Manager
- Custom attribute