How to add an additional direct report, peer, or manager reviewer in an active review cycle.
Add a late reviewer
You can easily add a reviewer of any type - manager, peer, or direct report mid-review cycle. To do so:
- Navigate to the Admin page > Reviews > Performance reviews.
- Select the Review Cycle of interest.
- In the Reviews section of the cycle, select the Reviewees tab.
- Find the reviewee you want to add a new reviewer to.
- In the right context panel, click Edit to the right of the list of names in the group you are adding the late reviewer to.
- Add the reviewer and click Save.
Note: Ensure you select the correct group to edit when adding a reviewer. You can add a late reviewer to the group of managers, direct reports, and/or peer reviewers. The new reviewer will be sent the appropriate template.
By default, the late reviewer will then receive an email notification inviting them into the system to begin the review. If you do not want to send a notification, uncheck the Notify new reviewer that they were added box before adding the reviewer.
Email notification text:
You've been added as a late reviewer
An administrator of the review cycle [Review Cycle Name] has added you as a late reviewer of [Employee Name]. Visit the link below to give your feedback.