In the Directory, admins can manually add, edit, or delete field information on Employee profiles and set historical, current, and future values.
Historical vs. Non-historical fields
- There are fields that show historical information in a profile (e.g., Job Title, Base Pay) and fields where it doesn’t make sense to show history (e.g., Ethnicity). The majority of our fields are historical.
- If a field is historical (e.g., Job Title, Base Pay), you will see its current value in the profile. If you’d like to see historical information, add a new value, or see upcoming changes, you can click See All Changes.
- If a field is non-historical (e.g., Ethnicity), you will see its current value in the profile. If you'd like to update that field, the current value will be overwritten, and you won’t see historical information in the profile.
Add, Edit, or Delete values
Expanding See All Changes allows you to see all historical, current, and upcoming changes to that field, as well as their effective date. This is also where you add new changes.
Add New: This is how you add a new value. If you add a new value with an effective date of today or in the past, the previous value that was current becomes historical information. If you add a new value that has a future effective date, the current value stays the same, and we show the new, future value as upcoming.
Upcoming Values: These are changes that will be effective in the future. You can delete these changes if they no longer apply. If you would like to edit these changes, Super Admins have to delete and create a new value.
Pending Approval Values: These are changes that are made by employees, but workflows dictate that they need approval before they are released. Super Admins can click the overflow menu to view the workflow if they want to cancel or approve the request.
Current Values: Super Admins can click the overflow menu to revise these values—both the values themselves (SF to San Francisco) and the effective date of the changes (forward in time or backward in time). Note that revisions should only be used to correct data. If information has changed and you’d like to keep historical data visible in the profile, please use the ‘Add New’ flow.
Past Values: You can revise these changes, but just the values themselves. If you want to revise the effective dates of these changes, you’ll have to go through the Historical CSV import and upload the entire history of that field. Note, revisions should only be used to correct data. If information has changed and you’d like to keep historical data visible in the profile, please use the ‘Add New’ flow.
Note: If an upcoming change is being made, you’ll need to delete it before taking action on any current changes.