Custom role Q&A permissions allow admins to give specific employees admin-like access to the Q&A boards. Custom role Q&A permissions are global. Global permissions give custom role owners access to all users in your organization.
Learn how to configure custom role admin permissions in Set Up Custom Role Admin Permissions.
Global permissions
The Global permissions allow custom role owners to manage Q&A boards for all users.
1. Create and edit Q&A boards
The Create and edit Q&A boards permission allows custom role owners to create new boards and manage the boards they create.
Permissions include:
- Create Q&A boards
- Edit Q&A boards
- Reply to questions
- Close Q&A boards they create
2. Manage all Q&A boards
The Manage all Q&A boards permission allows custom role owners to create boards and manager all boards.
Permissions include:
- Create Q&A boards
- Edit Q&A boards
- Reply to questions
- Close all community boards for the company